Facebook Business Pages – Audience Optimisation

by Phil Aston

Facebook Business Pages – Audience Optimisation

by Phil Aston

by Phil Aston

Social Media News  

You can now self-moderate how visible your Facebook Business page content is to your fans

The brand-new Audience Optimisation tool is an organic targeting tool set to help pages ensure that posts are seen by the users who are most likely to engage with them.

How to switch this option on and use it:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click on ‘Settings’ – top right
  3. Click on ‘General’ – top left
  4. Select News Feed Audience and Visibility for Posts and save changes
  5. When you next compose a post select the targeting option – this will bring up the screen below.

Clicking the above option will then activate the targeting option below.

Save your options and post!

Phil Aston is a partner at Genius Loci a Digital Marketing & Media agency based in Cornwall. Phil has over 26 years experience in SEO, Marketing & Photography and works primarily in the Tourism & Retail sector. He is also a yoga teacher and musician.
